Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ethical Hermeneutics and Hermeneutical Ethics

Mark 7: 1-23


Below is my rough translation and notes for the Revised Common Lectionary’s Gospel Reading for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost. 

An interpretive question that faces the exegete with this passage – with huge implications for how we regard and interpret the Scriptures – has to do with what Mark calls “the received traditions of the elders” One frequently hears these “traditions” referred to as just ‘latterly add-ons’ that some uptight works-righteousness folk layered on top of the true Word of God. While that is a tendency one finds in many religious circles, some of the “received traditions” addressed here are rooted squarely in the Scriptures themselves. Take, for example the ritual cleansing of Exodus 30:17-21. It specifies ritual washing, even mentioning the “brazen vessel” that Mark describes below in v. 4 as part of the ‘received tradition.’ That is to say, this argument implies that the Scriptures themselves contain both the ‘teachings of God’ and ‘the received traditions of human.’ 

Therefore, I find this to be a “here is the heart of the Scriptures” kind of argument. Jesus is arguing for a way of reading the Scriptures that locates the deliberations of the heart as the place where purity or defilement happens, rather than that focusing on what goes into a person from the outside. In doing so, Jesus is preferring some ways of reading the Scriptures over other ways. It is a matter of faithfulness via faithful hermeneutics, not faithfulness via ‘Bible v. Tradition.’ 

[I would argue that the “You have heard it was said … but I say to you” pattern in Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount does the same thing. Some of the things they “had heard” were directly out of the Scriptures themselves. Jesus’ point is that they were the wrong Scriptures to use as one’s interpretive lens.] 

Biblical scholars often speak of the “canon within the canon,” as the question of what Scriptures we embrace as having priority in how we interpret other Scriptures. I think that is the point in this text. But, it is not simply a matter of ‘my preference v. your preference.’ At least according to this confrontation, there are hermeneutical choices that are hypocritical, because they emphasize the humanly-rooted portions of Scripture over the God-given teachings there. 

 Ah well, on with the text!

Κα συνγονται πρς ατν ο Φαρισαοι κα τινες τν γραμματων λθντες περοσολμων 

And the Pharisees and some of the scribes who came from Jerusalem are being gathered to him. 

συνγονται: PPI 3p, συνγω, 1) to gather together, to gather

λθντες: AAPart npm, ρχομαι, 1) to come  1a) of persons  1a1) to come from one place to another, and used both of  persons arriving and of those returning

1. “Are being gathered”: This verb συνγονται is in the present passive voice. 

2. I think the identification that these folks came from Jerusalem is significant. In Mark, Jesus’ ministry is in Galilee, where he is enormously popular. The antagonists come from Jerusalem (in Judea) and Jesus only goes to Jerusalem during the last week of his life – to die. After the resurrection, Jesus instructs the disciples to meet him in Galilee. I agree with Richard Horsley’s contention that Jesus was trying to begin a grassroots movement in Galilee, not a Jerusalem-based or temple-based movement. See more under v.3. 


κα δντες τινς τν μαθητν ατο τι κοινας χερσν, τοτ' στιν νπτοις, σθουσιν τος ρτους 

And having seen some of his disciples with defiled hands – that is unwashed – eating the bread  

δντες: AAPart npm, ρω, 1) to see with the eyes  2) to see with the mind, to perceive, know 

στιν: PAI 3s, εμ, 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present

σθουσιν: PAI 3p, σθω, 1) to eat  2) to eat (consume) a thing  2a) to take food, eat a meal  3) metaph. to devour, consume

1. “Defiled”: The word κοινας also means “common.” It can mean “unclean” but is different from the term signifying “unclean spirits.” I am following the lead of other translations and going with “defiled” because that works better with vv. 15 and 23 below. 2. This story declares hands that are not washed according to ceremony ‘clean.’ In v.19 the narrator says “Thus he declared all foods clean.” In the story of the Syrophoenician woman, one could say that Jesus ultimately declares all persons clean. So, the matter of ‘defiled’ v. ‘clean’ is very important here and throughout.  

3. “That is, unwashed”: This explanatory comment – along with other features that I will point out along the way – suggests that Mark’s audience may not be familiar with Judean customs. It may also indicate that the issue of washing properly is a difference between Judean and Galilean piety. 

4. The sentence that begins here is a bit convoluted and requires patience. It seems to run from v.2 – 5, with vv.3,4 as an explanation of the observation begun in v.2. However, v.2 does not have a main verb; it only has a preposition that goes with the subject (Pharisees and some of the scribes from Jerusalem). V.5 picks up the thought begun in v.2 and finally gets to the action of the Pharisees/scribes, which is to challenge Jesus with a question. 


ο γρ Φαρισαοι κα πντες ο ουδαοι ἐὰν μ πυγμ νψωνται τς χερας οκ σθουσιν,κρατοντες τν παρδοσιν τν πρεσβυτρων,

for the Pharisees and all the Judeans do not eat unless the hands were washed up to the elbows, holding to the received tradition of the elders, 

νψωνται: AMS 3p, νπτω, 1) to wash  2) to wash one's self

σθουσιν: PAI 3p, σθω, 1) to eat 

κρατοντες: PAPart npm, κρατω, 1) to have power, be powerful  1a) to be chief, be master of, to rule  2) to get possession of … 3c) to hold. 

1. Again, the explanation in vv.3-4 does not assume that Mark’s readers know the customs of the Pharisees or all the Judeans. 

2. Again following Horsley, I translate ουδαοι as “Judeans,” and not as “Jews.” First of all, it sounds more like Judeans, but more importantly Horsley argues that Mark is writing from a context where Galilean piety and Judean piety had grown in very different directions, with Judean piety being more closely aligned with the temple and temple purity practices. See Horsley, Hearing the Whole Story.


κα π' γορς ἐὰν μ βαπτσωνται οκ σθουσιν, κα λλα πολλ στιν

 παρλαβον κρατεν, βαπτισμος ποτηρων κα ξεστν κα χαλκων [κα κλινν] 

And do not eat from a market unless cleansed, and to hold to many other things that are received tradition, cleansed cups, pots, brazen vessels [and couches] 

βαπτσωνται: AMS 3p, βαπτζω, 1) to dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk)  2) to cleanse by dipping or submerging, to wash, to make clean  with water, to wash one's self, bathe 

σθουσιν: PAI 3p, σθω, 1) to eat 

στιν: PAI 3s, εμ, 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present

κρατεν: PAInf κρατω, 1) to have power, be powerful  1a) to be chief, be master of, to rule  2) to get possession of … 3c) to hold. 

1. “Cleansed”: The word is literally ‘baptized’ βαπτζω, but that would be a misleading translation. It helps to remind us, though, that the word “baptize” is not a ‘religious’ term. It was the common term for ‘washing’ or ‘cleansing.’


κα περωτσιν ατν ο Φαρισαοι κα ο γραμματες, Δι τ ο περιπατοσιν ο μαθητα σου κατ τν παρδοσιν τν πρεσβυτρων, λλ κοινας χερσν σθουσιν τν ρτον; 

And the Pharisees and the scribes challenge him, “On what account do your disciples not walk according to the received tradition of the elders, but eat the bread with defiled hands?” 

περωτσιν: PAI 3p, περωτω, 1) to accost one with an inquiry, put a question to, inquire of, ask, interrogate

περιπατοσιν: PAI 3p, περιπατω, 1) to walk  …  1b2) to conduct one's self 

σθουσιν: PAI 3p, σθω, 1) to eat 

1. “Received tradition”: This verb παρδοσιν literally means to “hand over.” It is a form of the verb παραδίδωμι, which Mark uses to describes Judas’ betrayal in handing Jesus over. Through time it meant a teaching or a precept that was handed over, from one generation to another. I am trying to keep both the literal and connotative meanings available via the phrase “received tradition.” 

2. It seems significant to me that the Judean representatives are the ones who name their expectations the “according to the received tradition of the elders” as opposed to “according to the law.” What this seems to signify is that they know that the expectations by which they are critiquing the disciples are extraneous to the law, or at least a particularized interpretation of the law.

3. In Exodus 30, God gives an instruction for Moses to set up a bronze basin between the meeting tent and the altar. With the water from that basin, Aaron and his sons are instructed to wash their hands and feet prior to offering sacrifices at the altar. It is not a stretch to see how this ritual act would be the basis for any number of cleansing rituals. One can imagine a miniature a replica of Aaron’s act as a way of approaching one’s food as a holy moment, the meal as a gift from God. We do that. One can imagine the Muslim tradition of washing being rooted in this same kind of physical cleansing merged with spiritual cleansing kind of act. Even the Christian tradition of baptism seems rooted in such an act, since the Greek word translated “wash” is “βαπτίζω.” So, if we are tempted to read this story as a dismantling of any tradition in the name of the Scriptures, we need to be careful lest some of our most cherished traditions likewise fall under the same criticism.    


6 δ επεν ατος, Καλς προφτευσεν σαας περ μν τν ποκριτν, ς γγραπται [τι] Οτος  λας τος χελεσν με τιμ δ καρδα ατν πρρω πχει π' μο

Yet he said to them, “Isaiah prophesied well about you hypocrites, where it has been written, ‘This people honors me with the lips, but their heart holds back far from me;  

επεν: AAI 3s, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

προφτευσεν: AAI 3s, 

γγραπται: PPI 3s, γρφω, 1) to write, with reference to the form of the letters  1a) to delineate (or form) letters on a tablet, parchment,  paper, or other material

τιμ: PAI 3s, τιμω, 1) to estimate, fix the value  1a) for the value of something belonging to one's self  2) to honour, to have in honour, to revere, venerate 

πχει: PAI 3s, πχω, 1) have  1a) to hold back, keep off, prevent 

1. Hypocrites: The word ποκριτν has a curious history, from what I can gather in Kittel’s TDNT. It seems that, originally, it meant to interpret or to explain. In the Greek tradition, it took on the meaning of an actor, who either interpreted the meaning of a poet or whose words made a myth intelligible. In several passages in the LXX, the hypo-crite was posited as the opposite of one who fears God. Hence, it took on a pejorative sense. In the NT, the term often refers to actions that are contradictory to what one professes. My sense is that the NT meaning combines the negative connotation from the LXX and the appearance motif of ‘acting.’ 


7μτην δ σβοντα με, διδσκοντες διδασκαλας ντλματα νθρπων. 

yet in vain do they revere me, teaching teachings commands of humans.’ 

σβοντα: PMI 3p, σβομαι, 1) to revere, to worship 

διδσκοντες: PAPart npm, διδσκω, 1) to teach  1a) to hold discourse with others in order to instruct them,  deliver didactic discourses

1. The quote is from Isaiah 29:13 - The Lord said: Because these people draw near with their mouths and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their worship of me is a human commandment learned by rote. 

2. The phrase “in vain” ought to get some attention here. We’re familiar with it from the command not to take God’s name in vain. But that command has been so widely interpreted to mean lots of things that perhaps this verse can help grant the phrase “in vain” some meaning. It seems that “in vain” refers to the pretense of revering God, but actually revering human opinion instead. This story may well be a commentary on what the 3rd commandment means.

3. The last phrase, “teaching teachings commands of humans” is literal, but quite wooden. Most translations add an ‘as’ to make it more meaningful, something like: “teaching human commands as [God’s] teachings” or “teaching human teachings as [God’s] commands.”  


φντες τν ντολν το θεο κρατετε τν παρδοσιν τν νθρπων.

Having abandoned the law of God you hold to the received tradition of humans. 

φντες: AAPart npm, φημι, 1) to send away  …  1a1) of a husband divorcing his wife  1b) to send forth, yield up, to expire  1c) to let go, let alone, let be  1c1) to disregard  … 1c3) to omit, neglect  1d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit  1e) to give up, keep no longer

κρατετε: PAI 2p, κρατω, 1) to have power, be powerful  1a) to be chief, be master of, to rule  2) to get possession of … 3c) to hold.

1. The problem – as I am reading it – is not that the Pharisees, etc. have a received tradition of human origin, but that they are abandoning the law of God in lieu of that received tradition. That is, they are holding up the tradition as if it originates in God and not in humanity. 

I offer this example, with which you may take exception. Think of the popular notion, “God helps those who help themselves,” a saying that many people are convinced is found somewhere in the Scriptures. Not only is it not found in the Scriptures, it abrogates some of the more powerful expressions of grace in the NT. Thus, it champions a meritocratic vision of human life that is grounded in American culture, as if it were the Word of God. 


9Κα λεγεν ατος, Καλς θετετε  τν ντολν το θεονα τν παρδοσιν μν στσητε.

And was saying to them, “You disregard the law of God well, in order that you may uphold your received tradition.” 

λεγεν: IAI 3s, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

θετετε: PAI 2p, θετω, 1) to do away with, to set aside, disregard  2) to thwart the efficacy of anything, nullify, make void, frustrate  3) to reject, to refuse, to slight

στσητε: AASubj 2p, στημι, 1) to cause or make to stand, to place, put, set

1. Several translations (NIV, ESV, NRSV) have something snarky like, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God” in order to pick up on the obvious double entendre of Καλς or “well.” Jesus is using the term to signify how ably they disregard the law, not how good it is that they do so. So, it seems that we’re witnessing 1st century sarcasm of a sort, hence the translators’ snark.

2. The accusation here is basically a repetition of what Jesus just said in v.8, but this begins a new line of argument, leading to v.10-13. 


 10 Μωϋσς γρ επενΤμα τν πατρα σου κα τν μητρα σου, κα κακολογνπατρα  μητρα θαντ τελευττω:

For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and ‘Whoever speaks evil of father or mother end in death.’ 

επεν: AAI 3s, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

Τμα: PAImpv 2s, τιμω, 1) to estimate, fix the value  1a) for the value of something belonging to one's self  2) to honor, to have in honor, to revere, venerate. 

κακολογν: PAPart nsm, κακολογω, 1) to speak evil of, revile, abuse, one 2) to curse 

τελευττω: PAImpv 3s, τελευτω, 1) to finish, bring to and end, close  2) to have an end or close, come to an end 

1. This is every teenager’s least favorite verse. 

2. τελευτω is a curious verb. It means more to end something than to kill, but paired with the word θαντ, or ‘death,’ it is tempting to hear it as “execute.” But, it is not necessarily a kill order; it could point to how something invariably, or divinely, ends in death. 

3. Jesus is quoting Exodus 21:15 (sim. Lev. 20:9), which in the NRSV, is translated, “Whoever strikes father or mother shall be put to death.” Actually Exodus 21:12-27 contains all kinds of laws that would be very, very hard to imagine as non-contextual and eternally binding. So, while I get Jesus’ specific point that he’s making in the following verses (I think), I also need to push back a little to the idea that Exodus 21:15 is the irrevocable law and to speak otherwise is unjust. (The Sermon on the Mount demonstrates Jesus doing what I want to do with Ex. 21:12-27: “You have heard it was a said, “..” but I say to you, “..”)


11μες δ λγετεἘὰν επ νθρωπος τ πατρ  τ μητρ, Κορβν,  στιν, Δρον,  ἐὰν ξ μο φεληθς,

But you say, “If a man says to father or mother, ‘That is Korban,’ (which is ‘a gift’) which might be profited out of me,”  

λγετε: PAI 2p, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

επ: AASubj 3s, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

στιν: PAI 3s, εμ, 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present 

φεληθς: APSubj 2s, φελω, 1) to assist, to be useful or advantageous, to profit

1. Why in the world did someone split this sentence apart so awkwardly? 

2. This is a bit of a bear to translate, not the word for word stuff, but the order and trying to capture the meaning. I interpret the reference of a “gift” – which some translations make into ‘a gift to God’ – as another example of Mark’s community not knowing Jewish traditions.

3. The last phrase, “which might be profited out of me” is where the wooden translation is genuinely difficult. The verb φεληθς is a passive subjunctive, hence ‘might be profited’ and the preposition ξ, which is commonly ‘out’ combined here with the genitive pronoun μο , so ‘out of me.’ 

4. I suppose the idea is that the means of honoring one’s parents – in terms of financially supporting them – is what ‘that which might be profited out of me’ refers to. So, it seems to indicate, “Sorry Mom and Dad, but the religious leaders tell me that the portion of my income that is my obligation for supporting you should go to them instead.” It sounds like the preincarnation of Robert Tilton. 

5. To explain the red script for the ἐὰν repetition, see v.12, n.2. 


 12οκτι φετε ατν οδν ποισαι τ πατρ  τ μητρ

you no longer permit him to do anything to the father or the mother, 

φετε: PAI 2p, φημι, 1) to send away, 1c1) to disregard, 1c3) to omit, neglect 

ποισαι: AAInf, ποιω, 1) to make  … 1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth

1. The point: The law manifestly commands honoring parents and the human tradition sanctifies just the opposite. 

2. The NIV, NRSV, and ESV begin this verse with “then,” making it the conclusion of an “if … then” clause from v. 11 (But you say, “If …). Greek often shows this relationship with an ἐὰν … ἐὰν clause. We do have that clause here, but both instances of ἐὰν are found in v.11, as opposed to the second in v.12. That’s part of the translation confusion for me. 


 13 κυροντες τν λγον το θεο τ παραδσει μν  παρεδκατε: κα παρμοια τοιατα πολλ ποιετε

nullifying the word of God in your received traditions which you rendered;  And you do many such things like that. 

κυροντες: PAPart npm, κυρω, 1) to render void, deprive of force and authority

παρεδκατε: AAI 2p, παραδδωμι, 1) to give into the hands (of another) 

ποιετε: ποιω, PAI2p, 1) to make  … 1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth

1. The verb κυρω ‘nullifying’ is the word for ‘confirming’ κυρω with the prefix  (not) attached to it. 

2. The last phrase also appears at the end of v.8 in the Textus Receptus, which is why it appears in older translations like the KJV and Young’s Literal Translation. 


14Κα προσκαλεσμενος πλιν τν χλον λεγεν ατος, κοσατ μου πντες κα σνετε.

And again having called together the crowd he was saying to them, “Listen to me all of you and understand.” 

προσκαλεσμενος: AMPart nsm, προσκαλομαι, 1) to call to  2) to call to one's self  3) to bid to come to one's self

λεγεν: IAI 3p, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

κοσατ: AAImpv 2p, κοω, 1) to be endowed with the faculty of hearing, not deaf  2) to hear  2b) to attend to, consider what is or has been said

σνετε: AAImpv 2p, συνημι, 1) to set or bring together  1a) in a hostile sense, of combatants  2) to put (as it were) the perception with the thing perceived  2a) to set or join together in the mind  2a1) i.e. to understand:

1. Jesus changes the recipients of his words from a direct denunciation of the Pharisees and scribes to the crowd. 

2. “all of you”: The ‘all’ is given in πντες; the ‘of you’ is implied in the verbs, where Jesus is using the 2nd person imperative.

3. Something really interesting is happening here. Jesus has just critiqued the Pharisees, etc., for their embrace of the received tradition of the elders- i.e. teachings of humans - as if they were the teachings of God. Here, Jesus is speaking of his own accord as an interpreter of the teachings of God. That is easy to swallow for Christians, who receive Jesus as the one sent from God. But, it certainly was contrary to the spirit of the times to imagine that a contemporary interpreter of the teachings of God could claim more authority than “the received tradition of the elders.” 

4. For συνημι, see below v.18, n.1.  


15οδν στιν ξωθεν το νθρπου εσπορευμενον ες ατν  δναται κοινσαι ατν:λλ τ κ το νθρπου κπορευμεν στιν τ κοινοντα τν νθρωπον.

There is nothing outside of a person which going into him is able to defile him; but the things which go out of the person is the things which defile the person. 

στιν (2x): PAI 3s, εμ, 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present

εσπορευμενον: PMPart nsn, εσπορεομαι, 1) to go into, enter

δναται: PMI 3s, δναμαι, 1) to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and  resources, or of a state of mind, or through favorable  circumstances, or by permission of law or custom

κοινσαι: AAInf, κοινω, 1) to make common  1a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile, profane

κπορευμεν: PMPart npn, κπορεομαι, 1) to go forth, go out, depart

κοινοντα: PAPart npn, κοινω, 1) to make common  1a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile, profane 

1. There is a discrepancy in moving from Greek to English between the plural subject “the things” (τ2x) in the last half of this verse, which match the plural form of the participles involved (which go out, which defile) and the singular verb “is” (στιν).  

2. This seems to be a dramatic shift in ethics regarding purity laws about cleanliness or defilement. Leviticus 11 is not just an add-on tradition that someone made up as a Midrash to the “canon” of Scripture. It is Scripture; yet the assumption behind Leviticus 11 is that some foods are unclean, some animals are so unclean that by touching them a person becomes unclean and needs time and washing in order to be rid of defilement. Jesus’ point here – summed up in v.19 “Thus he declared all foods clean” – is a different theological ethic than in Leviticus 11. Again, this argument is not “Scripture v. add-on”, but a genuine, faithful way of reading Scripture v. a hypocritical way of reading Scripture, which – even by strict adherence to certain portions of Scripture – in the end abandon the words of God in order to follow the teachings of humans. 

3. As I have indicated earlier, I think this is a inner-Jewish contention between Galilean, synagogue-based piety v. a Judean, temple-based piety. Too often I think it is interpreted as a Christian v. Jewish contention. 


16… [If any man have ears to hear, let him hear]

1. This verse does not appear in older manuscripts and shows evidence of having been worked over quite a bit by copyists. It does appear elsewhere and seems to have been added by an enthused copyist wanting to add an “Amen!” 


17 τε εσλθεν ες οκον π το χλου, πηρτων ατν ο μαθητα ατο τν παραβολν. 

After he entered into a house from the crowd, his disciples interrogated him the parable. 
σλθεν: AAI 3s, εσρχομαι, 1) to go out or come in: to enter 

πηρτων: IAI 3p, περωτω, 1) to accost one with an enquiry, put a question to, enquiry of,  ask, interrogate  2) to address one with a request or demand  

1. I continue to argue that Mark disrupts every definition we try to paste on the word ‘parable.’ Jesus argument was a comparison, perhaps an argument from the general to the specific, but in no way a simile (YLT for παραβολν) and certainly not a story-form ‘parable’ as we often use the term. I don’t want to get off track here, but this is in no wise an “earthly story with heavenly meaning” or even an “earthy story with heavy meaning.” I don’t know what Mark means by it.

2. I like to use ‘interrogate’ for περωτω (see the definitions above), because it almost always seems challenging or is followed by confrontational language. 


18κα λγει ατος, Οτως κα μες σνετο στε; ο νοετε τι πν τ ξωθεν εσπορευμενον ες τν νθρωπον ο δναται ατν κοινσαι

And he says to them, Are you also non-understanders? Do you not know that anything outside entering into the man is not able to defile him, 

λγει: PAI 3s, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

στε: PAI 2p, εμ, 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present

νοετε: PAI 2p, νοω, 1) to perceive with the mind, to understand, to have understanding  2) to think upon, heed, ponder, consider 

εσπορευμενον: PMPart nsn, εσπορεομαι, to go into, to enter; to pass into (with the idea of being conveyed or compelled).

δναται: PMI 3s, δναμαι, 1) to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and  resources, or of a state of mind, or through favorable  circumstances, or by permission of law or custom

κοινσαι: AAinf, κοινω, 1) to make common  1a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile, profane  1b) to declare or count unclean

1. The word νετο  is a plural noun, not a verb. So, it’s not properly “do you not understand?” The verb is “are.” σνετο is the nominal form of the verb συνημι which is in v.15 above and 6:52 when the twelve did not understand the meaning of the loaves. With the prefix σν it implies the ability, or inability when the other prefix  is attached, to make synthetic connections. This is a very difficult place for the disciples, especially in light of what Jesus says about parables in Mark 4:10-20, including the enigmatic quote from Isaiah,  ‘To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside, everything comes in parables; in order that “they may indeed look, but not perceive and may indeed listen, but not understand (συνημι); so that they may not turn again and be forgiven.” ’ 

Mar 4:12

...hear, and not understand

...κα μ συνωσιν μ ποτε...

Mar 6:52

For they considered not the miracle...

ο γρ συνκαν π τος...

Mar 7:14

...of you, and understand:

...πντες κα σνετε

Mar 8:17

...not yet, neither understand

...νοετε οδ συνετε 




19τι οκ εσπορεεται ατο ες τν καρδαν λλ' ες τν κοιλαν, κα ες τν φεδρνα κπορεεταικαθαρζων πντα τ βρματα. 

because is not entering him in the heart but into the gullet, and into the sewer exiting purging all foods?”  

εσπορεεται: PMI 3s, εσπορεομαι, to go into, to enter; to pass into (with the idea of being conveyed or compelled).

κπορεεται: PMI 3s, κπορεομαι, κπορεομαι, 1) to go forth, go out, depart

καθαρζων: PAPart nsm, καθαρζω, 1to make clean, to cleanse

1. I realize that the last sentence here is a fragment. Talk to Mark about it. 

2. The word κοιλαν “gullet” is the word for ‘womb’ in the birth stories. 

3. I love how Thayer’s Lexicon says that φεδρνα (sewer) is “the place into which the alvine discharges are voided; a privy, sink.”


20 λεγεν δ τι Τ κ το νθρπου κπορευμενον κενο κοινο τν νθρωπον: 

Yet he was saying, “That which exits out of the man this defiles the man.” 

λεγεν: IAI 3p, λγω, 1) to say, to speak

κπορευμενον: PMPart nsn, κπορεομαι, 1) to go forth, go out, depart

κοινο: PAI 3s, κοινω, 1) to make common  1a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile, profane  1b) to declare or count unclean



21σωθεν γρ κ τς καρδας τν νθρπων ο διαλογισμο ο κακο κπορεονται, πορνεαι,κλοπα, φνοι, 22μοιχεαι, πλεονεξαι, πονηραι, δλος, σλγεια, φθαλμς πονηρς,βλασφημα, περηφανα, φροσνη:

For from within, out of the heart of persons the evil deliberations go out – fornications, thefts, murders, 22adulteries, avarices, wickedness, deceits, licentiousness, envy, slanders, pride, follies. 

κπορεονται: PMI 3p, κπορεομαι, 1) to go forth, go out, depart

1. I am taking these two verses together to keep the list intact. 

2. One may quarrel with how each of these vices ought to be translated. I simply took this list from the NRSV, but I made them plural whenever the word allowed it because the list is certainly plural in the Greek. The first three are roughly parallel to three of the 10 Commands, but only roughly. 

3. “Deliberations”: The word διαλογισμο is comprised of a prefix δια and the root λογισ, which is related to the verb “say” (λγω) and the noun “word” (λογοσ) and is manifestly the origin of the word “dialogue.” In Socratic philosophy, truth was often arrived at via interlocution, made famous in Plato’s renditions of Socrates’ dialogues. When the context is the individual’s heart, as opposed to the conversation between two persons, I think the word ‘deliberation’ captures the meaning better than simply ‘thoughts’ or ‘intents.’ Here, the evil actions that Jesus names stem from the “evil deliberations” of the heart. While there is a healthy debate within the discipline of ethics over whether one’s intentions or the effects of one actions have moral priority, Jesus is addressing the Pharisees and their piety here. As such, this may be a challenge to some of the “received traditions” of the Hebrew Bible, such at the guilt of “unintentional sins” in Leviticus 5:14-19. 


23πντα τατα τ πονηρ σωθεν κπορεεται κα κοινο τν νθρωπον.

All of these evil things go out from within and defile the person. 

κπορεεται: PMI 3s, κπορεομαι, 1) to go forth, go out, depart

κοινο: PAI 3s, κοινω, 1) to make common  1a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile, profane 

1. Again the verb is singular although the subject is a collective plural. 



  1. I love your material. Even more, I resonate with what I perceive to be a long and sometimes painful history with the Church. But, again, perhaps like me, I can't seem to tear myself away. Prisoner of hope stuff.

    Anyway, thanks for what you are doing.

  2. Dang. I meant to say, "perhaps like me, YOU can't seem to tear yourself away...."


  3. Jon,
    I love the church, warts and all. What is comforting to me in reading the gospels is that all of our worst tendencies as the church have been present all along. We're just the latest incarnation of the same thing.
    Thanks for your comments,

    1. Sin of pride in Presbyterian tradition: Total depravity. We KNOW we're all screwed up! So deal with it!

  4. Hey Mark-- just wondering if you've covered Acts already.. Did I miss it?-- and if so-- when did you do it?



    Tom Blair

  5. Tom, I've been focusing solely on the Gospel lessons each week. (It's been a joy, but also a challenge, since I've been off lectionary all summer. But, I like the discipline of exegeting the lectionary gospel reading, so I've kept at it). To be honest, I've not looked much beyond the gospel readings at all this summer. Sorry.

  6. Thanks, Mark.

    I really do appreciate your insights... guess I'll have to go back to by commentary by Ben Witherington on Acts... oh well...

  7. I was just personally struck after 5 weeks of Lectionary readings in John with Jesus' claim to be the Bread of Life and telling folks they must eat his flesh to now read in Mark about folks being criticized as too 'defiled' to eat bread. It points out to me once again the big difference in Jesus' interpretation of scripture as well as provoking thought and questions about whether what we put in us cannot make us unclean, it comes from within. Can what we put in us (Christ-likeness) change us from the inside out? I'd say yes. He offers his very essence of self to all of us before we 'purify' ourselves. Very interesting how the gospels provide tension this way. Or maybe it's just my brain going off on a tangent again.

  8. I was just personally struck after 5 weeks of Lectionary readings in John with Jesus' claim to be the Bread of Life and telling folks they must eat his flesh to now read in Mark about folks being criticized as too 'defiled' to eat bread. It points out to me once again the big difference in Jesus' interpretation of scripture as well as provoking thought and questions about whether what we put in us cannot make us unclean, it comes from within. Can what we put in us (Christ-likeness) change us from the inside out? I'd say yes. He offers his very essence of self to all of us before we 'purify' ourselves. Very interesting how the gospels provide tension this way. Or maybe it's just my brain going off on a tangent again.

  9. Once again, a seed for a sermon has been found/ or fostered in your blog. Thank you for your weekly posts and effort. I really appreciate the unvarnished manner of laying out the troubling areas.

  10. Great and so helpful for preaching. This passage resonates so well in a time of COVID doesn't it?
    I so much appreaciate what you doevery week and your ability to tell it like it is. Thanks, so much. Roberta

  11. A very interesting and important passage! Can I suggest that eating with 'common hands' is best understood literally? Knives and forks were not used - people ate with their hands and dipped into bowls and so shared the food with 'common hands'. Hands were washed, then, not like my mum would tell me to wash my hands before a meal, but as a ritual expression of koinonia. By that logic, I guess that eating as a koinonia (the main point of all eating) with koinais hands ritually created another kind of koinonia - the koinonia Jesus understood as he ate with 'common' hands (did he?). And as he died with 'common' law-breakers. Were these 'some' of Jesus' disciples doing something more than just breaking with the tradition of the elders?

    1. Rick, I like your koinonia interpretation of washing hands! Could we explain masks and vaccines to Christians in those terms?

  12. You have once again teased the threads well! Two points come to mind. First, I think the gospel of Mark is a subtle Galilean polemic against the (self) established group in Jerusalem. Every time the listed disciples (those in Jerusalem) are mentioned, it makes clear that they don't get Jesus. Second, I love how you have opened up the last section with the explanation of "dialog". I think to a modern person, we get concerned about our thoughts and how we think we must control them, that we are our thoughts. Yet no one can point where they come from nor can we turn them on or off nor direct them. They just flow on and on. And it seems that Jesus is saying that when you start dialoging with them, then the trouble starts. I like that shaded nuance. Cheers.

  13. Thanks Rick and Scott. BTW, I have expanded my comments to cover all of vv.1-23 now, including the parts that the lectionary omits. FYI.

  14. I really appreciate your commentary which I look at weekly when teaching from the Gospel selection of the lectionary. And I agree with the hermeneutical approach in your introduction. But I would offer a word of caution in regard to your words in red. In the history of race "relations" from Reconstruction through Jim Crow, there were over 4500 documented instances of lynching, most of which involved the murder, mutilation and burning of black Americans, most of whom were Christians and none of whom were expressing heretical exegesis of Mark. Additionally, many of the early church fathers were indeed burned at the stake for standing up for much more than your profession on these pages. I would encourage you to rethink your somewhat glib use of the English language, especially when you strive for precision on the remainder of the post.

    1. For some reason this post did not capture my name and that was not my intention--Mark

    2. Thanks. Your point is well taken. I was not using the language of lynching as much as the more medieval language of burning at the stake, but even so it is a cruel and barbaric matter and I'll change it.

  15. So we're currently in a struggle about 'clean' and 'unclean' over vaccines and masks. ISTM that it can lend itself to either a concern for compassion (becoming vaccinated as an act of charity) or sense of coercion (get vaccinated or get fired). FWIW I'm ready to fire folk who refuse vaccination without a valid medical or religious reason - they still need to mask and social distance. But it does bring home 'unclean' and 'clean' to me in a different way.


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