Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Identity Matters

The Scripture reading for Easter Sunday, March 31 is John 20:1-18. I addressed this text last year when it was the reading for Easter then. Instead of repeating myself, I am linking that post below, mostly because the responses were very thoughtful and worth repeating.

What strikes me most uniquely about John's way of telling this story is how Mary does not recognize Jesus. Speculations for why she does not recognize Jesus abound. I read this week about a 1200 year old text that claimed that Jesus was a shape-shifter (see John Byron's excellent blog, "The Biblical World," especially http://thebiblicalworld.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-kiss-of-judas-and-shape-shifting.html). That adds one more speculation to the mix, and a pretty cool one at that! My usual approach is to imagine that Mary is looking at Jesus through a veil of tears. I wonder how well I am able to see life through the tears of death.

Here is the link for the previous post. I welcome your comments!

Have a blessed Easter.


  1. Thanks for this. I love the idea of Jesus and shape-shifter. It reminded me of that lovely Christmas carol, "Some Children See Him." http://www.absolutelyrics.com/lyrics/view/james_taylor/some_children_see_him

  2. Thanks Caela. Have a wonderful Easter!


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